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About Chris

Hello … and welcome to my life on the road!  For those of you who don’t already know me, my name is Chris Purdy…  I have been an Instagram Influencer since 2017 and have over 16 years’ experience in the culinary and hospitality industries…  What started out as a hobby on Instagram has now evolved into a full-blown business…     

Let me start by saying…  I Love Food...  but please do not confuse me for a food critic.  I am NOT a food critic…   I believe that every Chef and Restaurant Owner has a story to share and it is their story to tell… NOT mine…  My aspiration is to help these people tell their stories through a collection of very special photos and videos.  We are not here to hurt businesses…  we are here to help them reach new customers.  What restaurant couldn’t use a little more exposure in these trying times?